Articles prohibited entry into Japan
Host plants of the quarantine pests which would cause great economic losses to our agricultural crops are prohibited entry into Japan by the Plant Protection Law.
Import Prohibited Articles
Some of the quarantine pests have a high risk of generating great economic losses to our agricultural production if they invade Japan. When they are technically difficult to intercept by the point-of-entry inspection and no practical control measures are available to combat them, there will be no means to prevent their introduction other than banning entry of the plants (and/or plant products) which can be the host of these pests. For these reasons, the importation of certain kinds of plants is prohibited by the Plant Protection Law.
In addition, articles such as quarantine pests, parasitic plants, soil or plants attached with soil are prohibited entry into Japan.
Plants subject to growing site inspection in exporting countries

For some quarantine pests which are technically difficult to detect at the point-of-entry inspection, the plants are required to undergo phytosanitary inspection in the field during the growing period in exporting countries. The plants subject to this restriction will NOT be allowed entry if not accompanied with due certification to testify that they have undergone growing site inspection in the exporting country.

Also, please remind that the plants originally produced in non-prohibited country will not be permitted entry if they are either reshipped from prohibited countries or brought by way of the prohibited countries to Japan.

Please check
'List of the Import Prohibited Plants'
'Plants and plant products subject to phytosanitary inspection at growing site'
'Plants and plant products subject to phytosanitary measures in exporting countries'

Top of Incoming Plants