February 20, 2010

Status of plum pox virus in Japan

1.Detection of Plum pox virus
On March 18, 2009, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) reported it to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) that they observed trees of Japanese apricot (Prunus mume) with symptoms of ring spots on leaves and/or breaking on petals in orchards in Ome City, Tokyo Metropolitan. It was suspected that those trees were infected with plum pox virus (PPV). Immediately, MAFF initiated an emergency investigation and detected PPV from sampled petals using ELISA and PCR on April 1, 2009. MAFF issued a press release on April 8, 2009.
(URL: http://www.maff.go.jp/j/press/syouan/keneki/090408.html)

2.Detection survey for PPV
MAFF and prefectural governments throughout Japan conducted a nationwide detection survey for PPV from April to August, 2009. The results of the survey are as follows and MAFF issued a press release on August 13, 2009.
(URL: http://www.maff.go.jp/j/press/syouan/syokubo/090813.html)

2.1 Results of the detection survey

2.1.1 Tokyo Metropolitan
MAFF and TMG conducted a delimiting survey in 272 orchards in the whole area of Ome City, and PPV-infected trees were found in total 37 orchards. In addition, MAFF and TMG conducted the detection survey in 94 orchards in the other municipalities of Tokyo Metropolitan other than Ome City. PPV-infected trees were found in 1 orchard in Akiruno City, 3 orchards in Hachioji City, 4 orchards in Hinode Town and 1 orchard in Okutama Town by August 2009.

2.1.2 Ibaraki Prefecture
MAFF and Ibaraki Prefectural Government conducted the detection survey in 34 orchards in the prefecture and detected three PPV-infected P. mume trees in one orchard in Mito City. All infected trees were grafted with scions collected in the orchard in Ome City where the infestation of PPV had been confirmed. All of these infected trees have been eliminated. Because no further infected tree was found in the surrounded area by the delimiting survey, MAFF determined that the occurrence of PPV in Ibaraki Prefecture was limited to the orchard. There was no record that any movement of host plant from the affected orchard to other areas. MAFF and Ibaraki prefectural government continue to conduct monitoring survey for PPV on host plants in the orchard and the surrounded area.

2.1.3 Kanagawa Prefecture
MAFF and Kanagawa prefectural Government conducted the detection survey in 36 orchards in the prefecture and detected six PPV-infected P. mume trees in one orchard in Odawara City. All infected trees were grafted with scions collected in the orchard in Ome City where the infestation of PPV had been confirmed. All of these infected trees have been eliminated. Because no further infected tree was found in the surrounded area by the delimiting survey, MAFF determined that the occurrence of PPV in Kanagawa Prefecture was limited to the orchard. There was no record that any movement of host plant from the affected orchard to other areas. MAFF and Ibaraki prefectural government continue to conduct monitoring survey for PPV on host plants in the orchard and the surrounded area.

2.1.4 Other Prefectures
MAFF and other 44 prefectural governments conducted the detection survey in total of 1,618 orchards and found no infestation of PPV.

3. Delimiting survey for PPV in Tokyo Metropolitan
Based on the results of the nationwide detection survey, MAFF concluded that PPV had only distributed in Ome City, Akiruno City, Hachioji City, Hinode Town and Okutama Town in Tokyo Metropolitan. MAFF and TMG had conducted the delimiting survey for PPV in these municipalities and adjacent areas until November 2009. Based on the results of the survey, all PPV-infected trees were determined.

4. Ministerial ordinance for eradication of PPV
For the purpose of eradication of PPV in Japan, MAFF established regulated areas, including a zone at least 1 kilometer from all outlying PPV-infected trees, under the ministerial ordinance which enforced on February 20, 2010. These areas are all areas of Ome City and Hinode Town, and 17 blocks in Akiruno City, 11 blocks in Hachioji City and 4 blocks in Okutama Town in Tokyo Metropolitan. Furthermore, the ordinance provides that the movements of host plants from these regulated areas are prohibited and also that the PPV-infected plants shall be eliminated as instructed in Plant Quarantine Officer, etc. The monitoring survey for PPV in these regulated areas and the nationwide detection survey for PPV are going to be conducted also in 2010. The ordinance is posted on official national website of Plant Protection Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (http://www.maff.go.jp/pps/j/information/kinkyuboujo/index_ppv.html).

5. Pest Status
MAFF concludes the status of plum pox virus in Japan is 'present: under eradication', under IPPC standards (ISPM No.8).

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