Information for visitors from Republic of Costa Rica
When you carry plants or plant products in your baggage or hand luggage, you are requested to declare to the plant quarantine counter in the custums clearance area of the port of entry into Japan.
Quick chart for the plants subject to import prohibition
The plants in the columns of 'Prohibited Plants' are prohibited entry into Japan because they are hosts of the pest shown in the columns of 'Quarantine Pests'.
In addition, articles such as quarantine pests, parasitic plants, soil or plants attached with soil are prohibited entry into Japan.

Prohibited Plants

Quarantine Pests

Fresh fruits of akee, avocado, star berry, allspice, olive, cashew nut, kiwi fruit, Thevetia peruviana, carambola, pomegranate, jaboticaba, broad bean, alexandrian laurel, date palm, Muntingia calabura, feijoa, pawpaw, mammee apple, longan, litchi, and plants of the genera Ficus, Phaseolus, Diospyros, Carissa, Juglans, Morus, Coccoloba, Coffea, Ribes, Passiflora, Dovyalis, Ziziphus, Spondias, Musa(excluding immature banana), Carica, Psidium, Artocarpus, Annona, Malpighia, Santalum, Garcinia, Vitis, Syzygium, Mangifera, Ilex, Terminalia and Gossypium, and Plants of the family Sapotaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Cactaceae, Solanaceae, Rosaceae and Rutaceae.

Mediterranean fruit fly
(Ceratitis capitata )

Live vines, leaves, tuberous roots, and other underground portions of plants of the genera Ipomoea, Pharbitis, and Calystegia. Live tuberous roots and other underground portions of cassava.

Sweet potato weevil
(Cylas formicarius )

Live vines, leaves, tuberous roots and other underground portions of plants of the genera Ipomoea, Pharbitis, and Calystegia.

West Indian sweet potato weevil
(Euscepes postfasciatus )

Live tubers and other underground portions of plants of the genus Chenopodium, and plants of the family Solanaceae.

Potato cyst nematode
(Globodera rostchiensis )

Culms and leaves of plants of the genera Hordeum, Triticum, and Secale (including straw packing materials and straw goods similar thereof ), and culms and leaves of plants of the genus Agropyron.

Hessian fly
(Mayetiola destructor )

Rice plants , rice straw (including rice straw bags, mats, and other rice straw goods similar thereof ), unhulled rice and rice hull.

Rice stem nematode
(Ditylenchus angustus ), Trichoconis caudata, Balansia oryzae, and other quarantine pests not existing in Japan.

Quick chart for the plants subject to growing site inspection in exporting countries
The plants in 'Plants' column are required to have phytosanitary inspection in the field in exporting countries during the growing period for freedom of the pest given in 'Quarantine pests' column.


Quarantine Pests

Underground portions of the live plant of avocado, turmeric, okra, cockscomb, coconut, Colocasia esculentum, sugarcane, ginger, Canna edulis, greater yam, tea, corn, potato, betel palm, peanut (excluding seeds without pod), and plants of the genera Anthurium, Calathea, Maranta, Coffea, Piper, Musa, Philodendron and Beta being capable of planting for cultivation.

Banana burrowing nematode
(Radopholus similis )

Corn seeds intended for planting.

Stewart's bacterial wilt
(Erwinia stewartii )

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