Import and Export Plant Quarantine - FAQ
Incoming Plants
Outgoing Plants
Visitors from abroad
Traveling to Japan
Traveling from Japan
Functions of the Plant Protection Station
Import quarantine
Export quarantine
Pre-shipment quarantine
Domestic quarantine
International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC)
Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement)
List of the plants subject to growing site inspection in exporting countries (regions)
(Plant Protection Law Enforcement Regulations Annexed Table 1-2)(Until 31 March, 2023)
List of the plants subject to growing site inspection in exporting countries (regions)
(Plant Protection Law Enforcement Regulations Annexed Table 1-2)(from 1 April, 2023)
List of the plants subject to import prohibition
(Plant Protection Law Enforcement Regulations Annexed Table 2)
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